Assisting Oregonians With Physical Disabilities Since 1981
With especial thanks to George Andersen, our Web Master, and Richard Turner of the Oregon Commission for the Blind, we are pleased to welcome you to this site. As you navigate the site, please let us know of any accessibility issues you have. Your comments, both pro and con, are welcome. Alerts, regarding news you can use, will be regularly published on our web site.
With especial thanks to George Andersen, our Web Master, and Richard Turner of the Oregon Commission for the Blind, we are pleased to welcome you to this site. As you navigate the site, please let us know of any accessibility issues you have. Your comments, both pro and con, are welcome. Alerts, regarding news you can use, will be regularly published on our web site.
The Foundation offers Especial Appreciation to Shelly Emery of the Oregon State Independent Living Council in Salem and Jim Paul, attorney from Sisters for the time and attention paid to our Bylaws revision, approved by the Board of Directors during its annual meeting in June 2012. Their stewardship and commitment paid to this integral element of Foundation health is very much appreciated. Thank you, Shelly and Jim!
President's Corner
This page is dedicated to the Foundation President, Board Members, Staff and Our Partners to publish their thoughts not only about the Foundation, but also to comment on Current Events. The Foundation claims editorial responsibility for the content of comments submitted to us for publication here. Please refrain from what may be considered "harmful rhetoric" when submitting your comments for publication here.
The Foundation seeks all input, but we exercise the right to refuse publication of anything that we consider inappropriate to this page.
Thank You for your cooperation and understanding.
The Foundation seeks all input, but we exercise the right to refuse publication of anything that we consider inappropriate to this page.
Thank You for your cooperation and understanding.
Copyright ©2018 Blanche Fischer Foundation. All rights reserved.