Who is eligible to apply for assistance from Blanche Fischer Foundation? Any Oregonian, regardless of age, with a verifiable permanent physical disability, is eligible.
Do I make too much money to apply? We serve people who can demonstrate financial need. Complete the Income Worksheet. We'll review your income and expenses with the Federal Poverty level to determine your level of financial need.
I meet the financial criteria. What do you mean by “verifiable permanent physical disability”? Along with your application, you must submit Verification of disability. Because we are responsive to the potential expense of getting a physician’s statement, we will consider 'other health professionals’ statements regarding your disability.
What are types of “other health professionals”? A State of Oregon DHS employee who helps you with your Oregon Trail Card. Your Center for Independent Living (CIL) counselor, your minister, your school counselor. Be aware that we may check with the party about their statement(s) concerning your unique situation. For this reason, we appreciate it if you sign a Release of Information with the professional you use. The verification needs to be on company letterhead or from a company email address.
Okay, so I meet all the criteria for assistance from the Foundation, Now what?
Complete the grant application and REMEMBER: 1. Application must be completely filled out, signed, and dated. Seek assistance if needed 2. Verification of your disability is required. More information in Application Packet 3. A quote or invoice with the precise cost of the device or service for which you are applying 4. Seek out support from other resources. The more you can get help with your purchase, the more people the Blanche Fischer Foundation can help!
You say that “The aid may relate directly to the disability or toward fostering personal independence.” What does that mean? We mean the woman who uses a wheelchair may have the best wheelchair in the world, but she has steps into her house. She needs a ramp to get in/out.
Okay, so how long does it take to get a Blanche Fischer Foundation grant? It takes 180 days and even longer. We do not provide EMERGENCY FUNDS
What are the most common problems people have with your application process?
1. Unsigned application 2. Income Worksheet missing from the application packet 3. No Verification of Physical Disability 4. Quote or copy of expense not included. If we do not have the precise amount requested, we cannot act on your request. A printed copy of a web page is acceptable proof. 5. No proof of Oregon residency 6. Applications exceeding the $1500 cap with no indication of how they are going to make up the difference. "Anything you can give will help" is not an acceptable way to fill out the application.
I have a need for a product that is much more than your $1500 cap. What do I do?
1. Use our Suggested Resources to locate other sources of funding 2. Involve your friends, family members, church and local community members in fund-raising for the product or service you need 3. Contact the Foundation with your request for our max and describe how you are raising funds 4. In your fundraising efforts, you may reference the Foundation as a potential funder of your request, but this does not guarantee that we will be. As much as we would like to grant every request, we are aware of the Foundation's budgetary constraints and occasionally turn down requests. 5. Keep Faith in yourself and loved ones that you will raise the necessary funds.
Every winter, I seem to fall behind on my heating bill. I get Low Income Energy Assistance, but it is never enough. What do I do for emergency assistance?
Contact your local Center for Independent Living and ask them to work alongside you as you learn ways to conserve energy. You may ask them to help you develop a plan toward sustaining yourself and being more energy independent. Also, you may ask your local provider; it is likely that they will send an energy conservation specialist to your home to give you feedback on your individual living situation.